Traditional Balinese Wayang Kamasan Cloth Painting

Traditional Balinese Wayang Kamasan Cloth Painting

HEIGHT: – 84cm
WIDTH: – 60cm

Traditional Balinese Wayang Kamasan Cloth Painting was made during the mid-1970s. This cloth possibly depicts scenes related to Ravana, the king of demons who had 10 heads and 20 arms.  One day he spied Rama’s beautiful wife Sita in the forest and fell in love with her instantly.

Ravana arranged for his servant Maricha to disguise himself as a golden deer in order to tempt Rama and Lakshman (the younger brother of Rama) away from Sita. Lakshman drew a circle in the dust around Sita to protect her and told her not to step out of the circle.
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Traditional Balinese Wayang Cloth Painting
Traditional Balinese Wayang Kamasan Cloth Painting
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Scenes from Ramayana Balinese Hand painted Cloth
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